Wednesday, September 9, 2009

No Needles!?!

Went for my physical today. Yay I'm alive! I do like my doctor, I hate going for a physical though. He must have got tired of me rescheduling (originally I was supposed to have one last summer) so when my meds came up for renewal he only renewed for one fill so that I would HAVE to come in. It wasn't today that bothers me though. Ok , the electrode thingys for the EKG creep me out a bit. It's tomorrow. I have to go for bloodwork and urinalysis. It isn't the peeing in a cup either, it's the vials (yes multiple) of blood they are going to let. Ok not the vials themselves, I'm sure I have enough to last me, it's the needle to get the blood from my veins into the vials. i am terrified of needles, really really scared of them. . Sad. i know. I really do in the logical, rational part of my brain know it. I know it really didn't hurt (much) last time. But in the irrational, instinctual part of my brain that is in charge of fear, I am scared sh*tless. And that part of my brain thinks the needle is going to feel like an amputation.

But, I'm pretty sure I need my BP meds,

I did have him look at my shoulder and he says it's NOT tendinitis. It is an impedance in my bursar sack. Great. So he tells me there is the quick way to fix it and the slower way. Why oh why did I ask him what the quick way was. He says I'll send you downstairs and have the othopedic (yeah I can't spell) surgeon use a needle this big (holding his hands apart) and stick you in the joint to inject some cortisone. This is BEFORE doing my EKG mind you! The slower way is a month to 6 weeks of physical therapy. HMMMMMM. Guess who's going to physical therapy?


  1. Good luck tomorrow. You'll do fine! I'm with you though, on the PT over that needle. Had one in my knee once. No fun!

  2. I think physical therapy is the best choice. Sorry your shoulder hurts. Your doctor's visit will be over before you get this comment. I hope he gave you a lollipop to make you feel better. stru

  3. Good luck tomorrow. I would opt for the quick way. I'm lazy LOL

  4. oh my tomorrow will soon be a distant memory! I had the needle in the knee too many many years ago!

  5. Uh... I've had the cortisone, and I've had the PT. Ultimately, I had rotator cuff repair on both shoulders. They let you take a nice little nap for that. :)

  6. Oh dear. I hope you made it through the day ok. I am thinking of you!


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