Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Project Updates

I have revived my dumpling bag.  It was relegated to the almost done pile, because I wasn't happy with how the vine looked after felting.  I recently saw several dumpling bags that were embroidered after felting, and they looked good.  So I thought about it, and I bought the heaviest embroidery floss that AC Moore and Michaels carry.  I got gold, black and white,  I think I'm only going to use the gold and white. 

I went over the vines with the gold.  I tried out french knots with the white and wasn't happy.  I then tried a funny three petaled flower with a beaded french knot in the center.  So eventually the bag will be done.

My mystery bag has all 4 sides done- I need to knit the top and do a icord bind off and seam the sides, then I'll be ready for the final clue.  I did cheat a little and wove all the ends in ( which I'm assuming is in clue 5 somewhere. )  One of the KAL participants had mentioned that it would be easier when the bag was flat.  Also that the stem stitch embroidery  was easier.  I don't have a picture of the stem stitch outline and veining on the leaf.




Look how many ends I wove in!!


  1. Love how you get the shot of Tony in there! LOL

  2. Looks beautiful. I think my friend it's a foregone conclusion that Jimmy is going to win again this year BOO My poor Jeff


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