Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tomato... To-Mah-To ... part 2

My favorite heirloom - Mr Stripey grew about 4" this week and now has 2 blooms!

Mr Stripey 6.22

Cherokee purple - another amazing heirloom - grew 4" as well but no blooms yet.

cherokee purple 6.22

The chocolate cherry is one of the Angie's favorite salad tomatoes

chocolate cherry 6.22

For the first time this year - I have the yellow pear - supposed to be the size of a cherry but pear shaped.  Most yellow tomatoes are lower acid (not that acid bothers me - but sometimes are better with more delicate pasta and seafood dishes) and should be cool tossed into a salad.

yellow pear 6.22

I also have an ace - pretty high yield round red tomato.

ace 6.22

And sharing a window box with my cucumbers is a super sweet 100

super sweet 100

Coming soon - peppers, eggplant & cukes!!

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