Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Sensational Haiku Wednesday

Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”

The basics: Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)

Here are the rules:

      Structure: While Haiku may be written by some in other styles, for THIS meme only 5-7-5 is acceptable. At least one of your haiku must be in this format.
      Theme/Prompt: We have a new prompt each week, and your haiku needs to be related to it, if not include the actual word in it. Feel free to leave a word suggestion in a comment!
      Linking: When you post your link, link to the blog post with your haiku, not to the main page of your blog.
      Reciprocate: If you participate and post your link on my website, you must have a link back here on your post. It’s only fair.
    Folks not complying with the above risk having their links removed. Don’t make me be all “Grrrr” and stuff, it makes me grumpy! Thanks for your cooperation!
    P.S. This is a really busy time for me – I may not get around to everyone each week. Sorry about that, but unfortunately I need to attend to business before pleasure!

This week’s theme is: Postcard

Twitter and texting
Saying "hi" and " i miss you"
Are today's post cards? 


  1. its hard to get them all, i get most...
    and facebook is a good postcard =)

  2. No texting for me - no cell phone! Twitter, I am getting better at understanding and utilizing. But for personal stuff I still prefer good old-fashioned postcards and letters hand written.

  3. For sure ~ not for me though ~ well done haiku ~ thanks, ^_^ (A CreativeHarbor)

  4. True, at least for teens, and adults that think they are.....

  5. True! Sadly, less emotions but the upside is that it's fast and it's interactive! That more than compensates! Well written Ria!



I've gotten rid of the word verification for posting comments. To tell the truth, I have trouble reading the new stuff they are using. Feel free to disagree, but spammy or obnoxious comments will not go up.