Friday, June 18, 2010

Prom Pics? You think Angie gave me them already?

I'm still waiting for Ecuador pictures!  But here are three pic's I took with my phone. ( Most of her school shows up at the Lake clubhouse - and those not going show up to see the dresses etc, and even recent grads from the last few years as well - like 50o kids and a bunch of parents - and one cop)  




Your Home is Lively

Whether you live by yourself or with many other people, your home is always buzzing with activity.

You are likely to have water boiling for tea or a fire burning in the fireplace.

You live in every area of your home, and you really savor your time there.

You could never feel at home in an empty or quiet house. A home should be enjoyed to the fullest.


1 comment:

  1. Great prom pic's! Your daughter and her friends look wonderful and happy!


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