Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mutton Wrangling

It's taken me over a week, but I finally downloaded the pictures from my camera to my laptop, and discovered that I took some really horrible pictures of the bullriders at Madison Square Garden last weekend.  So I am left to tell you we had a great time.  You should have seen the dimples on Angie's face!  She has 2 favorite riders - Kody Lostroh and Guillermo Marchi.  She has many more favorite bulls.  I personally love the bulls that know when they won!

The funniest thing happened over one of the breaks.  Mutton Wrangling.  These little kids - can't be more than kindergarteners- get on the back of sheep.  There is a pen of sheep across the ring, and sheep being sheep, when the chute opens, the sheep runs across to join it's friends.  The kids try to hang on.  The current reigning champ was there.  I don't remember where he was from and I don't know how they got the little kids from around here to compete.  But the winner was the cutest little blonde girl!  Yay, Girl Power!


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