Saturday, March 3, 2012


A group of us on Ravelry - Go Fast Knit Left- have started a KAL(Knit A Long).  They started last week with the Daytona 500,  I swatched earlier - because I'm not using the size yarn the pattern calls for - and I was reasonably sure what needle I wanted to use, but didn't want to get a bunch done and have to frog and start over. ( changing yarns means you need to change your needle size as well- to get a good fabric drape) After the swatch I put it down until today.  ( I wanted to keep it to march so I could use it for NerdWars.  Although with this month's challenges that may be beyond my mental yogic abilities)  The pattern we are using is Saroyan - and I am using a sock yarn ( I KNOW !! Shocking!! who would have guessed me using sock yarn???? )(sarcasm for those who don't know me well)

Here's my swatch :


I confirmed that size 6 needles with KnitPicks Stroll Tonal (color is springtime) gives me a good fabric.

Here is with 4 more increase leaves.


I plan on 2 more increase sections ( each leaf defines one section) Then probably 12 ish straight and then 8 decrease sections.

1 comment:

I've gotten rid of the word verification for posting comments. To tell the truth, I have trouble reading the new stuff they are using. Feel free to disagree, but spammy or obnoxious comments will not go up.