Monday, April 4, 2016

Crafting with the Angie

If you're on PINTEREST you know, it can be a huge time suck, and you end up wanting to try a zillion things.  One thing I posted several different links for are solid lotion bars.  ( I first noticed the existence of these by shops advertising on Ravelry)  So, over a double boiler we melted beeswax ( holy crap that's hard to cut up - I really wanted the beads, but Joanne's only sells those online and Michael's doesn't have them - since we decided that morning to do them, we had to buy a block)  we had about 33% more coconut oil than beesewax, and then added some vitamin e oil and a relaxing essential oil ( chamomile, lavendar and frankincense ) ok we picked that because the frankincense amused us.  We first melted the wax, then added the coconut oil.  When everything was melted we took it off the hot water and stirred in the two oils.  Then we used a dollar store ice tray and a mini muffin tin to mold.

 Then we wrapped them in cellophane, and gave them to my mom, sister and SIL.

The ice cube ones are a bit small - but they work great on heels and feet.  like the mini muffin size - may find  a mold next time.

There were other recipes that the base is wax, coconut oil and either shea or cocoa butter in equal parts, then the oil.  Couldn't find the butter, may have to order online because I really want to try that version as well.

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