Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ravelympics Update

The Olympics have been going on for a week now, so I figure it's time for an update on my project for the Ravelympics.  I will admit that I am spending most of my knitting time on my Shoshie shawlette.  It is the project I was most nervous about finishing, but I now think I can have it finished today and blocking tomorrow!


I broke my crochet hook that I use to put the beads on my loops, and that slowed me down a little bit - so much for steel huh?

I did work on my felted bowl at lunchtime Mon-Wed  I am on the sides (doubling the yarn there since I am making them higher than the original pattern.)  I want to be finished by Monday so that I can felt it when I go do laundry on Monday.  I figure I can finish it up tomorrow while watching the race at Fontana- it's nice and circular so mindless knit stitches. 


 After I broke my hook, I worked on my second snowflake mitt to get it started until I got a new hook.  I'm not worried about finishing, mitts go fast even when there is colorwork involved!

1 comment:

  1. I was going to comment on how could you possibly break a crochet hook but guess what I did the same thing this afternoon, luckily I have bunches of them

    Good for you on finishing SHOSHIE I wish I could get Tom to block but he has been doing so much else around here I have to be quiet about it!!!


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