Monday, January 10, 2011

Knitting Update

I finished knit project 4 of the year.  It is another mini-sock, this one designed by Meagheen's actual brother Murphy - not the sheep.  It is his opening salvo in the much anticipated Sheep Wars.



She has the green butt. LOL

I also pulled out the first of my finish-or-frog-2011 projects.  I'm not counting it towards my 52 projects because only half will be done this year. ( technically it is only supposed to be projects started and finished this year, but that caused a lot of WIPs -work in progress turn to UFOs unfinished objects.  So since some of them are barely started, or the amount left is as much or more than some of my other projects)  I got the toe and three repeats of the lace charts done.  One more repeat and the heel and I'll have a finished pari of socks.



  1. You have offically finished more projects then I for the start of the year, #3 should come off today!


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