Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Two Books Recently

I've finished 29 books already in 2015!! I'm working on 3 and I have 13 more dated out to mid-July in the library request system!  Of course my house is a disaster!

First book finished is An Irish Doctor in Peace and at War.  It's another wonderful book in the Irish Country Doctor series.  This book bounces back and forth between the 1960's Ireland (where most of the series is set) and Fingal's WWII experiences.  We get to know Tom Laverty (Barry's father) and to celebrate Barry and Sue's engagement both Tom and his wife arrive from Australia where they have retired for a visit late in the book.  (we find out that Fingal just missed being on ship with Sue's father - and Tom did work with him for a few months in the Mediterranean.

We get to read a lot more about Diedre, and the book ends with Fingal leaving the Warspite heading back to England for some shipboard medical training (and since he will be on land for several months - his nuptials)

In the "present" of the book, we see Kinky settling into her part time duties at No. 1 and her role as a newly wed wife,  Kitty and Fingal really settling in to married life when they both have to deal with their feelings about news from Kitty's past, and as always Fingal stepping in to deal with the workings of his village, keeping Donal in line, Seeing Bertie Bishop start to turn a new leaf after his brush with almost death in the last book, and Fingal trying to manipulate Collin's dad - a proud blue collar shipyard man - into allowing Collin to take the exams for further education.

Love this whole series  - have the next book queued out for June.

Second book is the third in Rachael Herron's Cypress Hollow Series.  While still reading about what's happening with the original two casts, this book revolves around Naomi, a Dr from San Diego who was befriended by Eliza as she treated her during her final days.  Eliza had given her the push to move to Cypress Hollow ( and as we learned in the first two books, Eliza always had a reason up her sleeve) Naomi is a little bit socially inept although an amazingly professional competent Dr and is having second doubts about her move.  She doesn't even let anyone in a town full of knitters know that she is one of them - or let Abigail know the reason she looks familiar is she was the Dr through Eliza's last days.  To add to her social stress, her partner is pretty much retired at this point (hasn't been around for the better part of a year) and hires a new Dr to take his place in the practice, with the offer of buying him out of the partnership if Naomi approves.  Turns out he was her one night stand she couldn't forget at a medical conference in Portland ( I really don't need to tell you how that ends - I don't consider this a spoiler - anyone reading the book jacket knows how this ends)   Through all this, Naomi's very pregnant half sister turns up, a misjudged attempt at fixing her relationship with her mother backfires, and then maybe slowly heads the right way, and Naomi finds out the man  she idolized, who raised her after her parents divorce, who inspired her to become a Dr, was not really her dad.  This throws her into a tailspin that takes the last half of the book to straighten out.  But you'll love the half-brother she finds at the end!!  

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