Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Plane crash

mall crash
Originally uploaded by knit2destress20
So this afternoon I get a call that a plane crashed in the parking lot of the mall near my house. Four things a- it emergency landed in the penney's parking lot where we usually park. b. my daughter drove my car to the mall 30 minutes prior. c. she was not answering her cell phone nor her texts d. my phone was on the charger so I didn't want to leave my house in case she did call.

She finally did call me back about 7-8 LONG minutes later and her word was "Whaaaat???" And was totally clueless about why I was pissed. Seriously - this is why some animals eat their young!


  1. I don't mean to laugh but this was just too funny i'm glad she was okay and not hurt in any way except for the bite marks from mama. You go girl.

  2. Thanks for the news clips. I am glad that everyone is OK. I have had those moments too. I think all mothers do.

  3. OMG I am so glad she was ok. Now I also laughed at the eating young comment. Wow very scary.

  4. I would have gone crazy. I can't believe that happend near you. That isn't an every day thing that happens.

  5. That would scare me too if they didn't answer the phone - glad it was she was ok though!


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