Saturday, August 8, 2009

A relatively new blogging friend of mine Thom at Thom's Place 4 Well Whatever.... gave me this award the other day.


Of course there are rules:

1. Copy the loyal picture above
2. Pass it to you think who is/are deserving.
3. Leave a message to them
4. Pass as many as you want.
5. Message back or leave a comment to the owner.

So while thinking about whom to pass this award on to, I realized just how many people I've gotten to be friends with since I started blogging. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER:

Grace at Lovin Comfort Knits

Jean at Baa Baa Knit Stitch

Catherine at Bean Counting Knitter

Carrie at Knitfiber

Min at the musings of Min

Jenn at The Sarah Winchester of Fiber Arts

Michelle at Nose Stuck in a Book

Teresa at Girl With Needles


  1. WOOT congrats and the same for those you passed it on to. Aloha

  2. Aw...Thanks! *sniff*

    I'll try to make sure Penny doesn't gnaw on you. :)

  3. Thank you for the award Ria! I am so glad we are blogging friends.

  4. Thank you so much for my award----sorry I was off the radar yesterday probably will be most of today too, Talk to you later!


I've gotten rid of the word verification for posting comments. To tell the truth, I have trouble reading the new stuff they are using. Feel free to disagree, but spammy or obnoxious comments will not go up.