Tuesday, July 1, 2008

We "harvested" a cucmber on Sunday!

Wacky girl with her "harvest" . We had our first "non-herbal" harvest on Sunday. The long awaited cucumber was harvested and turned into a yummy cucumber salad. This is not only our first veggie harvest of the season, but our first actual successful cucumber ever! and to top it all off we beat my mom, whose biggest cucumber is currently only 1 inch long. My mom lives about 25 miles east and at a lower elevation, so she usually beats us by at least a week to 10 days harvesting anything. While I don't think I'll be using the topsy turvy planters next year (way to heavy once filled) I am going to be growing my cucumbers upside down from now on.

1 comment:

  1. how exciting!! i just harvested my first cucumbers a couple days ago too. they were soooo good! i can't wait for them to all ripen at the same time so i can make pickles!! :)


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