Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sensational Haiku Wednesday

Sensational Haiku Wednesday
Sensational Haiku Wednesday

Welcome to “Sensational Haiku Wednesday!”

Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)

This week’s theme is: Resolve

 I resolve problems,

Goals are more achievable,

Resolve to make goals. 


  1. Thanks for visiting my post on Travel-i-tales. I like your take on resolve. To resolve problems requires more skills and dedication than making resolutions!

  2. The problem is making goals which are achievable!
    I like the message you've built into this haiku.


  3. Resolve to make goals - you and me both! But are they too much like resolutions? Maybe I can't even get enough energy to make one ;)


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