Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes!! I sent out the afghans!!

ripple 'ghan

finished ripple 'ghan from hell.

red,white,blue 'ghan

red/white/blue 'ghan

min's box

TLV (tony love virus) infected box I sent Min.

min's box

Other side of the box.

Yes, yes, yes!!! At 10:30 Sun night I wove in the last end. Both of the final two procrastination afghan's are done!! If I never see another ripple 'ghan again it will be too soon!! My house is a disaster area. Seriously. Looks like a bomb went off. Haven't tidied it in over a week. Don't get me wrong, the bathroom and kitchen has been cleaned, the sheets have been changed and washed. But the rest?? not so much. But at 2:50 pm Monday afternoon, after making fun of my boxes, the post office postmarked my boxes!! Yay!! They are gone!!! yay!!!

No, my house is still not cleaned. I had a lot of stuff to catch up on. I had to type up and post the minutes from the booster club meeting last Monday. I had to e-mail a bunch of fencing clubs to see if we could set up weapon specific clinics for the team so I could hopefully have some answers before the next meeting on the 19th. I gave up creating some sort of spreadsheet of team members and gave it to the IT Sugardaddy himself to work out. He got so fancy dancy- even has the logo on top and everything. Then he tried reading teenage writing. hee hee hee. Read a whole bunch of e-mails.

Completely depressed about something at work that may or may not happen, that is totally out of my control. Will find out Wednesday. Will let you guys know then...


  1. uhoh you were trying to prop me up about work and it looks like you need some support now, let me know if I can help!!

  2. Love the 'ghans! They turned out great! I hope work goes the way you want it tomorrow!

  3. Hope the work thing turned out ok--your afghans turned out beautifully.

  4. OH MY! They turned out amazingly and I love how you did the box. I didn't finish mine in time, but I'll get it done and send it in eventually. Congrats on your great job!


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